FBE-Strategic Support Fund-2024-Applications

This is a preview of the 2024 Strategic Support Fund (SSF) Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Administrative Summary

* indicates a required field.

Before you begin

Please ensure that you have read and understood the Strategic Support Fund 2024 Funding Rules.

Save as you go
Manually save your work as you progress through the application.

How to Submit
1. Fill in this form in SmartyGrants, with the exception of the certification section.

2. Generate a copy of your application and submit to your Head of School/Department with the certification page.

3. Upload the signed certification page into this application and submit.

4. Upon submission you will automatically be sent a copy of the final application. It cannot be changed once it is submitted.


The lead applicant must have Head of Department/Centre/Institute endorsement. * Required
Response required.
Do any of the applicants currently hold outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding? * Required
All applicants must not at the time of application have outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding.

You are not eligible to apply for this grant

You are not eligible to apply for this grant (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do any of the applicants currently hold outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding?" on page 1