Please ensure that you have read and understood the SJTU-Melbourne Joint PhD Projects Funding Guidelines and have read the instructions on the Scheme webpage.
A single, jointly-prepared application in English must be submitted via SmartyGrants.
It is recommended that applications are written in lay terms for reviewers to better understand the project’s potential impact and its anticipated outcomes.
Save as you go: manually save your work as you progress through the application.
How to Submit (Instructions for University of Melbourne PIs):
- Fill in this form in SmartyGrants, with the exception of the submission section
- Generate a copy of your application and submit to your relevant Head of School/Department/Associate Dean (Graduate Research) with the relevant approval/declaration form(s) found on the Scheme webpage.*
- Upload the signed approval/declaration form(s) into this application and submit.
*Please note that ADGR sign-off is not required for MDHS applicants.
*If the application involves a PI from Melbourne's Faculty of Arts, the approval forms must be provided in addition to the supporting statement on how the candidate will meet the Faculty’s PhD coursework requirement.