FBE-Eminent and Visiting Research Scholar Scheme-2025-FEB

This is a preview of the 2025 ERS-VRS Application Form February 2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Visiting Research Scholar (VRS) and Eminent Research Scholar (ERS) Scheme Application

* indicates a required field.

Before you begin

Please ensure that you have read and understood the Eminent Research Scholar Scheme and Visiting Research Scholar Scheme Funding Rules.

Save as you go

Manually save your work as you progress through the application.

How to Submit

1. Fill in this form in SmartyGrants, with the exception of the certification section.

2. Generate a copy of your application and submit to your Head of Department with the Statement and Certification page.

3. Upload the signed certification page into this application and submit.

4. Upon submission you will automatically be sent a copy of the final application. It cannot be changed once it is submitted.

Please indicate which scheme you would like to apply for: * Required
Response required.

Eligibility Question 1

Does the applicant (the Host) currently hold outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding? * Required
All applicants must not at the time of application have outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding.

You are not eligible to apply for this grant. (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Does the applicant (the Host) currently hold outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding?" on page 1

Please submit the final report on all previous internal grant schemes to Home Page - The University of Melbourne - Researcher Development Schemes (smartygrants.com.au)

Academic Host Details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Does the applicant (the Host) currently hold outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding?" on page 1
Must be an email address. Please enter unimelb primary email address.
IA refers to Internal Association
Must be a URL and at least 38 characters. Select and enter your profile from Find an Expert https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/. Assessment of Host Tack Record will be done on all university registered research activity, including publishing, grants and contract activity, as listed on your university Find an Expert page. If activity is missing, you should ensure it is up to date by contacting the Research Outputs team on research-outputs@unimelb.edu.au

Research Scholar Details (Not Applicable)

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Does the applicant (the Host) currently hold outstanding grant acquittals for any internal or external research funding?" on page 1
Must be an email address. 
In what mode will the visit be undertaken? * Required
Response required.
Must be a date and between 31/1/2025 and 28/11/2025. 
Must be a date and between 31/1/2025 and 28/11/2025. These dates apply to either virtual or face to face visits. See Funding Rules for full details on visit lengths.
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